Family Learning | Parent University

Family Outcomes Show Value of 2-Generation Approach

Family outcomes in this evaluation show the value of our two-generation partnership with parents and children. While COVID-19 limited in-person classes, learning never stopped. Staff in both Learning Community Centers connected with families more than ever before.  With increased support, parents and children moved forward together in virtual and outdoor classes until the gradual transition back to in-person learning.


Learning Community Centers of North and South Omaha

Parent Skills Support Strong Relationships and Student Success

Parents exceeded program goals in building skills to support their children.

WHY THIS MATTERS:  Positive day-to-day interactions between a parent and child contribute to a child’s social and academic skills.

family outcomes, parent university
Family Outcomes, outdoor education
The Learning Community Center of South Omaha expanded the garden to increase opportunities for outdoor education.

Parents demonstrated the greatest strength in building relationships with their children.

Parents made significant gains with highest ratings in nurturing and attachment, and knowledge of child development.

Learning Community Center of North Omaha

Parents Share Understanding of Early Childhood Development

Parents showed strength in the protective factors that support health and well-being, especially when families are facing challenges. 

WHY THIS MATTERS: When parents build on their strengths, they have more skills in facing challenges. An understanding of child development is especially helpful as students move through every stage of their education.

Learning Community Center of South Omaha

Digital Literacy Makes Technology Accessible

Even with access to technology, COVID-19 created an immediate need for digital literacy. New parent classes covered everything from basic computer skills and keyboarding to email communications and zoom conferences with teachers. Within months, parents mastered essential skills to better respond to the demands of home-based virtual learning.

“Now that the pandemic is here, it is an obligation to know this.”


  • Helping children with online homework
  • Comfortable communicating by email
  • Skilled in navigating internet
  • Connected to family, friends and community resources
  • Participating in teacher conferences via zoom
Family Outcomes, Digital Literacy
In addition to supporting online learning for their children during the pandemic, computer skills gave parents confidence to particpate in school conferences, schedule medical appointments and pursue new jobs.
“…before we really did not need to know a lot about technology. Now, it is a necessity. It has helped me and my children so much.”

Workforce-Ready Parents

In addition to actively supporting their children in education, two-generation programs give parents an opportunity build workforce-ready skills. With support from educational navigators, parents make choices based on the needs of their families.

WHY THIS MATTERS: Research shows workforce training improves family outcomes for two-generations. Typically, children do better in school when families build a more secure future.

Family Outcomes, GED


Parents in ESL classes who reached level 4 of 6 skill levels in Reading and Listening.

WHY THIS MATTERS:  Achieving ESL Level 4 means parents can understand everyday conversation, participate in routine interactions and recognize phrases to follow simple directions.

Family Outcomes, ESL


Learning Community Center of South Omaha parents in GED classes who increased their skills by three to four grade levels.

WHY THIS MATTERS: Most parents find earning a GED is a requirement to succeed in the workforce, qualify for career training programs or pursue a college degree.


Workforce certifications earned by Learning Community Center of South Omaha parents.

WHY THIS MATTERS: Many parents take advantage of workforce training to build a future for their families. Parents gain skills to enter the workforce or land a higher-wage job.

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