Superintendents' Early Childhood Plan
In Partnership with Buffett Early Childhood Institute and Learning Community school districts
Challenging the Achievement Gap
The Superintendents’ Early Childhood Plan is more than a first in the state of Nebraska, it is truly a groundbreaking initiative. What makes it one of the most innovative efforts in the nation? Let’s start with eleven school districts, working together to reduce achievement gaps. As a result, the Learning Community is on its way to a comprehensive and proven approach to early childhood education.
Connecting Families to Early Childhood Hub Sites
The Superintendents’ Early Childhood Plan is a pioneering venture in the world of early childhood education. Why? It creates a sense of community for parents of young children, and well before kindergarten. At the center, the elementary school becomes a hub, a point of connection for children and families. In all, there are ten school sites from six different districts. Each one offers quality early childhood education and helps families secure support services their children need.