A Parent-Friendly GED
Why invest in a parent-friendly GED program? The degree has a positive impact on the whole family. For starters, it helps parents understand what children need to do well in school. But as more look towards a GED, they often find a bumpy path in traditional GED programs.
- Lack access to affordable, trustworthy childcare
- Unrealistic class schedule for a parent
- New technology
For parents, a GED means new opportunities. A GED can open the door to college or lead to a career with a liveable wage. Throughout the process, the experience helps parents support their children as they define their own dreams.
Why not create a GED program that works in parents’ lives? The Learning Community, Metropolitan Community College, OneWorld Community Health Centers and community center parents are working together to build a parent-friendly GED. Two years of outcomes suggest parents make greater progress with a parent-friendly approach.
- Onsite childcare with trusted staff
- Classes scheduled during school hours for parents with school-age children
- Digital literacy support
- ESL instructor in class
Because a GED class is so different from other parent classes, a Learning Community ESL instructor helps parents make the transition.

Research shows a parent's level of education can positively impact student achievement.

" I'm in class to help solve tech issues and do a lot of cheerleading. With the right kind of support, parents can be successful in earning a GED."
About the Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties
The Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties is an educational subdivision focused on outcomes and opportunities for children and families. It achieves impact through a collaborative network of metropolitan area school districts and community organizations. Independent evaluations demonstrate consistently strong results in early childhood education and family engagement. Recognized nationally for advancing a two-generation approach, the Learning Community creates opportunities to address the needs of children and families together. A 12-member Coordinating Council, elected by the public, guides policies to challenge the opportunity gap and strengthen our communities. Visit: LearningCommunityDS.org